Few people relish the thought of experiencing a dental emergency. However, many face them during their lifetime and need to seek emergency dental care. Unfortunately, some of the myths surrounding infections can prevent the need to seek emergency dental treatment. Here are some to remain aware of.

The Infection Disappeared

One tell-tale sign that you're combatting an infection is pain that seemingly arises from nowhere. If that pain goes away, you may believe that the infection has too. However, disappearing dental pain is often an indication that your infection is worse. Pain disappearing can act as a sign that your nerve is dying out. As the nerve dies, it struggles to transmit pain signals. Your infection may return with a vengeance, perhaps even months or years later. When it does, it may become a full-blown dental emergency that requires rapid treatment.

Swelling Doesn't Need Quick Attention

Always take any dental swelling seriously, especially if it's rapid. Swelling indicates that your infection is starting to spread and your body is struggling to control it. Depending on your infection's location, it may spread further into your head or into your body. In some circumstances, a dental infection can progress to sepsis, which is a medical emergency. Seeing an emergency dentist ASAP gives you a chance to tackle abscesses and prevent the infection from spreading.

Any Temperature Therapy Is Okay

When you're managing the pain that comes with a dental infection you may not want to take too many drugs. Another alternative is to try temperature therapies. With injuries, both hot and cold compresses are acceptable. However, using a hot compress on some dental infections is risky. Hot compresses can cause vasodilation, which may encourage the infection to spread. Although this doesn't apply to all dental infections, you should certainly seek advice before using one. Try sticking to cold compresses instead, such as an ice pack wrapped in a towel.

Pain Is Always Normal

Although pain is a warning sign that an infection is present, it isn't normal. Some levels of pain require emergency dental care. Pain that isn't improving with pain killers should warrant a call to your emergency dentist. Similarly, if your pain becomes severe or has a sudden onset, call your dentist. Your dentist can ask questions over the phone that help them identify whether your pain warrants immediate attention. If they feel as though you can wait until normal office hours, they'll let you know.

Speak to a company such as Jansz Dental to find out more.
