Dental implants are common restoration pieces when someone has suffered from loss of teeth. They resemble natural teeth and can be expected to last for many years to come if cared for properly. However, if they have been mistreated, or if something has gone wrong with the implantation, your dental implants might not last for very long at all. To prevent losing these expensive implants, you need to go to the dentist at the first sign of abnormality. In order to do so, you need to know what signs to look out for that something have gone wrong with your dental implants.


The first things you should focus on when examining your dental implants for failure is your gums. Many people get dental implants after having teeth falling out because of gum disease, and if the infection returns, your dental implants are in the danger zone as well. Examine the colour of the gums. If they seem darker than normal, or if you notice any oddly coloured spots, this might be a sign of an infection. You should also examine the gums at the base of the dental implant. If you can see the bottom of the implant, or even see the screw it's attached to, then you need to go see a dentist immediately. The gum might have retracted because of an infection.


You should also take any pain coming from the dental implants very seriously. It's common to feel some pain or discomfort in the mouth and jaw right after you've had the implants done. However, if some time has passed and you suddenly start feeling pain again, this might mean something has gone wrong and needs to be corrected. You should also be wary if you feel pain or discomfort consistently for a long time after the surgery, as this might mean that the implant is touching a nerve. This must also be corrected, as your implants shouldn't be causing you discomfort.

Scratches and cracks

You should also examine your implants for cracks and scratches. Implants can, just like normal teeth, crack when being put under abnormal force. The difference between normal teeth and implants in this sense is that you won't necessarily feel it crack, meaning you'll have to look for damages like these to know they exist. You also need to go to the dentist if you discover scratches on your implants, as these can become places where bacteria get stuck and multiply. A dentist can smooth the surface out and get rid of the scratches.
