Did you know that people with diabetes are twice as likely to lose their teeth as those without it? Scary, but true. Luckily, having diabetes doesn't mean you're destined to suffer tooth loss. There are plenty of ways to improve your oral health and save your teeth. These 3 tips are a win-win—they'll reduce your risk of tooth loss, and they'll have positive effects on your diabetes.

"Pull" with Coconut Oil

If you keep up with celebrity news, you've almost certainly heard of oil-pulling. This process involves "pulling" or swishing a tablespoon of oil around your mouth for 15 minutes to keep your teeth clean and white. This new mouth-washing trend is more than a fad; it actually has huge benefits for your oral health. Coconut oil combats tooth decay by preventing the growth of dangerous bacteria like Streptococcus and Candida. But the benefits don't stop there. An Australian study from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research concluded that the medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil could reduce obesity and insulin resistance—two symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Eat Chia Seeds

For the last decade, superfoods have been plastered over every form of media. While many of them are overhyped, some do have unmatched benefits. The chia seed is just one of these highly nutritious treats, high in protein, omega-3, fibre and antioxidants. Studies have shown that these tiny seeds can help to control blood glucose levels, making them the ideal snack for diabetics.

Controlling your blood sugar will help reduce your risk of periodontal diseases. If that's not enough to convince you to add these seeds to your diet, they have plenty more benefits for your oral health. Chia seeds contain 5 times more calcium than milk, as well as magnesium and boron. All these minerals are essential for strong, healthy bones and teeth.

Get Regular Dental Check-Ups

As obvious as this tip may be, many people don't remember to visit their dental clinic enough. If you see your dentist regularly, they'll be able to identify any tooth or gum problems as soon as they arise. You can also ask your dentist to provide you with an oral health plan to prevent decay. Untreated gum disease can actually increase your blood sugar levels, as well as heighten a diabetic's risk of heart attack and stroke. Have a plan and regular dental check-ups with your dentist to help reduce these risks.
