A few years ago, teeth straightening or alignment was considered a teen thing; therefore, adults did not bother with the procedure. However, all this has changed — many Australian adults want to have better smiles because it is a big part of their self-esteem. Teeth alignment is one way Australian adults are taking their lives back. While there are different teeth alignment techniques, adults tend to prefer invisible aligners to metal braces, and for a good reason. Nonetheless, there are instances where braces work better as teeth aligners compared to clear aligners. Therefore, familiarising yourself with braces will ensure you choose the right teeth straightening device for your needs. Read on. 

Severe Overbite or Underbite

When you open and close your mouth and notice misalignment of your teeth on the dental arches when the jaws come together, then you have a severe case of overbite or underbite. While mild overbite/underbite might not require treatment, severe dental misalignment must be carefully addressed to correct the issue. Therefore, it is not enough for dentists to administer alignment devices such as clear aligners. Braces are the best teeth alignment devices to address an overbite or underbite since they hold the teeth in place tighter than any other treatment and are in place for a long time. Therefore, braces will ensure that your overbite or underbite is corrected in the shortest possible time. 

Speech Problem

Most people might not know it, but the alignment of your teeth affects your speech. An excellent example is the development of a lisp, which occurs when there is incorrect tongue placement inside the mouth. When this happens, airflow from inside the mouth is obstructed, consequently distorting words. Speech problems such as lisps are best corrected with braces because the devices close the gap on the front teeth. This allows patients to isolate sounds more effectively, thereby improving how they pronounce difficult words. 

Breathing Through the Mouth

If you thought that braces are solely about appearances, then you are wrong. Teeth alignment and craniofacial development play an integral role in breathing.Crooked teeth are often a sign of a much larger issue, such as soft-tissue dysfunction. For instance, misaligned teeth affect the positioning of the tongue while sleeping, which forces patients to breathe through the mouth and snore. By tightening the joints in the braces, crooked teeth are pulled into line, and this stabilises the jaw. After the treatment, not only do patients have a better smile, but they also breathe much better during sleep.  
